Project #12

Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

Dear all,

Finally, it's done and has been launched on the 12th June 2011.

So this Project 12 is all about 12. The book is written by 12 writers with 12 amazing stories in 12 pages. Just imagine the drama, the tears, the laughters, the love and the mafia look alike story. Don't miss it ... Watch the thriller then order the book via or

We're so proud that this book is considered as #bukubagus by

For complete thriller, you can also open this.

Eh ... Si Cover udah Nongol

Rabu, 01 Juni 2011
Pas tim Editor lagi ngedit dengan sepenuh hati, Ibu Project Coordinator sudah menerima draft cover buat dipublish. Kandidat nya ada 2 dan ... huhuhuuhuhu ... We love it so much!! So, instead of choosing one ... We decide to publish both covers & biarkan pembaca mau pilih yang mana yang mau dibeli.

Again ... proudly present the covers for Superwoman Project.

1. Designer : Bayu Ferdinata

2. Designer : Fenty Fahmi - @fenty_lovegood

So .... What do you think??

Superwoman Project is almost done!

Pfiuhhh .... Superwoman Project is almost done!

Jeung-Jeung sudah mengumpulkan karya tulisnya sejak 10 Mei 2011. Telah terkumpul 23 karya tulis yang luar biasa yang menggambarkan banyak hal dari kehidupan. Dari cerita sehari-hari seorang Bunda, bagaimana rasanya sakit, perih, bahagia, lucu dan perasaan campur aduk terkumpul di situ.

Proses editing so far sedang berjalan, melalui quite a long and winding process. Tim editing berusaha berhati-hati dalam proses ini agar tidak mengurangi esensi cerita akan tetapi tetap enak dibaca dan memenuhi kaidah-kaidah penulisan yang benar. Mohon sabar sejenak dan pray for us supaya proses editing ini bisa cepat kami selesaikan.

Proudly presents ... 23 hasil karya Jeung-jeung ArisanBerry (secara random) :

1. SuperPramu - Happy Prabowo

2. Aku, ibu paruh wkt - Rozalina Loebis

3. 9bln di jkt - Cicilia F Coprina

4. Bunda di pagi hari - Linda Pangestuti

5. My Family - Sari Indro

6. I love being a mom - Yosa A Yolanda

7. Me time - Ninien Irnawati

8. Wanita, aku bangga menjadi wanita - Haura

9. I am a Super mom! - Rozalina Loebis

10. He loves me, he loves me not - Anggia Ditya

11. Fearless Life, Am I There Yet? - Edith Camelia Nugraha

12. Miracle - Dinitya Putri

13. My Mom My Superhero - Putri Hera

14. Everlasting Health – Sari Indro

15. Men are Men, Women are Women, Deal With it! - Anggia Ditya

16. Alasanku Memilihmu, Masku - Cicilia Corpina

17. Kartini VS Kartono - Hariati Prihatini

18. She Talks Keeping Up with Me – Edith C Nugraha

19. Mamah VS Ibu - Happy Prabowo

20. Just a Little Story of My Superwoman - Yuke

21. A SuperMom Wannabe - Diana Farida

22. Ketika Eyang dan Ibu Memberi Tips Memilih Suami - Nanda Hermawan

23. Happy Prabowo –Flash Fiction : Wanita Perkasa

Be Proud, Ladies! Together we can make it come true!