Berawal dari dateng ke acaranya nulisbuku di KFC. Me? KFC? Ada yang aneh heheh .... Anyway, saya merasa sangat diwelcome dan terwelcome by the NBC Surabaya big family. Hingga at the end of that day ... Saya resmi ngikut di Project #12 itu. Project yang ditulis oleh 12 orang. Huwaaahhhh ... I'm so honored to be a part of the team. (mau-maunya sih kalian ngajak saya ... huwaaaa *terharu lagi*)
Looking forward this project to done soon and I will give you the spoiler later on!
Secondly, after the Curhat Cinta Colongan diluncurkan last week, beberapa jeung-jeung dari komunitas ArisanBerry turut hadir memeriahkan suasana. Later on that evening, saya sent thank you note ke milis, Thanks for participating etc etc ... Eh lahh ... Alhamdulillah .... Pada ketularan virus nulis. Langsung tancap gas, saya came up dengan ide dibuatin project nulis to be published untuk mereka. Amazingly, some of them are very-very talented! They posted some back and forth stories ke milis. Can't wait to receive all those stories soon.
Anyway ... Enjoykanlah!